Signs You Might Need an Emergency Dentist

There’s no point in needlessly suffering with dental problems when you can get immediate attention from an emergency dentist.

Dental problems can build up over time, perhaps starting with a dull ache that develops into something more serious, like a crippling pain, or they can strike without warning. Whatever the case, it’s tempting to put off a visit to the dentist and try to deal with it yourself — hoping beyond hope that the pain will go away and you’ll be fine. Pain and other issues are a symptom that something’s wrong, and so it’s unlikely the problem will resolve itself without dental intervention; still, many of us hold out and put off that dental visit.

It’s a pity because if you have something wrong with your teeth or gums and it’s left to fester, it’s likely to get worse and be more difficult — and more costly — to treat. So if you wake up with a toothache one day and pray it will go away, it almost certainly won’t, and if you’re asking yourself: “Do I need an emergency dentist?”, the answer almost always is yes, and to have treatment as soon as possible.

Here are some signs you might need an emergency dentist, which usually is a service that’s provided out-of-hours or at the weekend, as urgent dental problems are not limited to business hours.


A toothache, and especially if it’s a severe one, can be one of the worst things, leaving you unable to do anything other than desperately wish it would go away. Toothache is caused by a number of things, including an abscess, decay, cracks, fractures and infected gums. It can also be caused by damage to fillings. Toothaches that haven’t gone away after a day or two most likely are not going to, and may you may start to have an earache or fever too. It’s certainly time to see an emergency dentist, like at our Enfield dental practice, who will immediately alleviate your pain and fix the problem.


If you find that you’re suddenly experiencing bleeding along your gums or around your teeth, it’s definitely something you want to get checked out by an emergency dentist. It could be a sign that you have gum disease or an infection, and if left untreated, it could result in the loss of one or more teeth. Make an appointment with your emergency dentist now so that you don’t put your oral health at risk. The dentist will be able to pinpoint the source of the bleeding and diagnose what the problem is and treat it.

Broken Crowns

Another reason to see an emergency dentist is if you have dental crowns and they become damaged — either by breaking, falling out or getting chipped. Some people try to fix the problem themselves, including by glueing the crowns back into place, but this inevitably makes it worse. You need professional work so that the crown is either restored or a new one is made to replace the one that’s too badly damaged and can’t be fixed. This extends to composite bonding, which is used to repair or restore chipped teeth, as well as fillings that may fall out.

Loss of a Tooth

Permanent teeth can fall out for no apparent reason, and if this happens to you, it’s vital to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible so they can try to save the tooth. They will also be able to determine why it happened and if there are underlying issues that need treating, such as damage to nerves or gum tissue. If one of your teeth falls out and you do nothing about it, you could experience difficulties later on, so be sure to get checked out as soon as possible if this happens to you.

These and other problems usually mean you need to call an emergency dentist straight away. Looking after your oral health is essential in maintaining your overall health and wellbeing.

If you’re experiencing dental problems and are not sure if you should get emergency care from a dentist, it’s best not to wait but get immediate advice and attention. Contact The James Clinic, in Enfield, Mullingar or Ferbane, and our emergency dentists will be happy to help.